Thursday, December 18, 2008

The kids were in a Thanksgiving program at church. There's Micah over to the left of the picture.

Butterflies Again!

Macey is in PACE (the Gifted class) at school. She did a Presentation on the Monarch Butterfly. It was wonderful. She made a model of the butterfly, a diorama of its habitat, and all kinds of stuff! She is sooooo smart.

Riding the Carousel at WalMart

One good reason to be sweet on Wal Mart trips: a promise that we'll ride the carousel!

Saturday, October 4, 2008


This is our sweet friend, Cooper. We keep him while his mom and dad are at work. Cooper is such a good boy and we have a lot of fun together!

baby luv

Have you ever seen anything so precious? Larson is always loving on his brother and especially his sisters! I took this one morning while we were at home, just playing!

Friday, August 15, 2008

Open House Night

The night of Open House! School starting in the morning! Meeting the teachers! We got the kids all spruced up and loaded 'em up and took them to Open House. Very exciting stuff!

First Day of School

This was Micah's first day of school EVER. When I worked for his first two or so years, he stayed with Shea's mom, and he's been home with me ever since. We were slightly worried that he wouldn't want to go. But he is SO EXCITED about school and he just LOVES IT! Macey is in third grade this year- sooo hard to believe.
Calla is the big sister at home now during the day- she's acting like my teeny tiny baby. She is so precious, talking in her little munchkin voice! Larson is almost 16 months old. They are all growing so fast.

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Daddy and his girls

We went to the Memphis Zoo and had soooo much fun! Daddy and the girls were looking at the elephants in this picture!

Monday, July 28, 2008

We went to the Memphis Zoo in July. It was great fun! This picture was taken in the Butterfly House. (house? arena? cage? I can't really remember what it was called, but it was like a huge screened-in house.) The butterflies were SOOOOOO beautiful! I saw this strange-looking butterfly like none I had ever seen before and I showed Shea and he was like, "Um... that's not one butterfly, Shelley!" OH!

Thursday, July 3, 2008

Oh, what fun it is to ride...

We went to visit my friend, Brooke, in June. Larson was having so much fun riding in this car by himself, then... Calla wanted to ride, too! Wah!

Our sweeeeeeet babies

I took this picture in our backyard in front of our BEAUTIFUL gardenia bush. I did this same pose with the kids last summer, when Larson was five weeks old. Now look at him! Getting everyone to look all at the same time was even harder this time- but they look really cute anyway!

best buds!

Look at our sweet boys! Larson thinks he is so big sitting on the loveseat with Micah. Now he can get up there by himself, too!


This is Calla and her friend, Aaron Thompson. He and his brother and mom (my friend, Holly) came to visit. Holly had asked Aaron, "Do you want to go see Mrs. Shelley?" Aaron said, "No, Mama, you see Mrs. Shelley. I see Calla."
How precious! He loves her so much.