Well, a lot has changed since the last time I blogged! I got a job teaching second grade at Weir Elementary School. I LOVE IT! The first two or three weeks were REALLY hard. It was extremely hard to get used to the routine of getting up really early and getting lots of people ready to go somewhere! But oh, was it worth it. I am sooo happy. I feel so fulfilled. Larson is going to daycare and he LOVES it. Even when I had to stay home with Calla one day because she was sick, Larson did NOT want to stay home with me, he wanted to go to SCHOOL. He absolutely loves it. His teachers are wonderful. They take really good care of him and love him. I don't worry about him at all while I'm at school. Keeping up with the Spanish is hard, BUT... it's worth it too. I like doing that, and I don't want to give it up, even though it's hard. It is a wonderful source of extra income. Which is greatly needed for raising all these kids! The older kids are happy at school. Calla LOVES pre-k, Micah loves Kindergarten, and Macey tolerates fourth grade! Fourth grade has been pretty hard so far. We'll make it. The LORD has truly blessed us. Thank you, JEsus.