Uh... I was a bit of a downer in my last two blog entries! Gag-a-maggot! I hate it when I'm like that. My sweet sister, Keryn, a.k.a. The Princess of Darkness, has always called me "Suzy Sunshine". That is my normal personality, and gosh, I hate it when I'm all depressed and stuff. It really doesn't suit me, does it.
Oh, my kids are growing up so fast! Macey will be nine at the end of July. Micah is 5 1/2, Calla J. is 4, and Larson just turned 2! Two years old! How is it possible? Macey is at church camp, Camp Lake Stephens, in Oxford, this week. I MISS HER SO MUCH! There's nothing like a week away from each other to make you appreciate someone a lot more. Woo- I can't wait to see her again. She is having a marvelous time. They have a website and I've been looking at pictures of her smiling face all week. So precious.
I just read my aunt's blog, and she had this questionnaire on there about things you've done. A lot of them were about places you've been, and I realized that I haven't been to as many places as I want to go in this life. I want Shea and our kids to visit these places too. What is the secret to doing lots of things for your family and not feeling guilty about it when there are so many families out there that are just struggling to survive? There I go again. I've got issues!!!